Allt Coire nam Beithach from A82 west of Loch Achtriochtan |
We've driven through Glen Coe countless times, the spectacular scenery never fails to impress...
Glen Coe, Loch Achtriochtan and River Coe - views east |
Although we've climbed quite a few of the local Munro's and walked some of the low level paths, we've often pointed out the roaring falls, high up on the Allt Coire nam Beithach, taking water off the Bidean nam Bian massif - and said "we must go up there sometime!"
Aonach Dubh and Allt Coire nam Beithach |
After several days of rain, it seemed like today would be a good day.
Waterfalls below Aonach Dubh |
It was still raining when we set off from the car park by the little bridge to Achnambeithach - but we didn't take the bridge to the house, we crossed the River Coe on the road (A82) and took the boggy path up the west side of the Allt Coire nam Beithach. Waterproofed up, we squelched along.
Loch Achriochtan and Aonach Eagach in the cloud from ascent into Coire nam Beithach |
We were pleased to find that the path improved greatly very soon - an excellent pitched path buoyed us up for most of the way.
Waterfalls on Allt Coire nam Beithach |
A golden eagle soared over the glen, giving us a great excuse to stop and stare for a few minutes. Gliding above us, resting on the breeze, he eventually took himself off to the north, over the Aonoch Eagach.
It was at that point that we noticed that it had stopped raining - there were even glimpses of brightness. Is that the sun?
Rafe and Jim - Allt Coire nam Beithach |
There was a short scambly bit where the path disappeared into a minor crag and a couple of side burns, but it soon reappeared on the other side.
Waterfalls on Allt Coire nam Beithach |
The falls were impressive - we got wet!
Jim - waterfalls on Allt Coire nam Beithach |
Looking back (north) towards Sgorr nam Fiannaidh and Aonach Eagach |
Waterfalls on Allt Coire nam Beithach |
Looking north east towards Loch Leven |
Aonach Eagach above Loch Achtriochtan |
Allt Coire nam Beithach and Loch Triochtan |
We continued along the burn, taking in further falls and rapids - until the ascent started to relent and we could see into Coire nam Beithach - a magnificently secluded glen, surrounded by Bidean's battlements.
Allt Coire nam Beithach towards the threshold of the Coire |
But we weren't really equipped to go any further - time to head back and to save the coire for another day.
Stob Coire nan Lochan and Allt Coire nam Beithach |
After a bit of an explore, and the taking of many photographs, we headed down, back the way we had come...
Stob Coire nan Lochan and Allt Coire nam Beithach |
The views, the hills and the waterfalls were just as outstanding as we descended - the cloud swirling around the tops.
Aonach Eagach from Coire nam Beithach |
Waterfalls on Allt Coire nam Beithach |
A great short walk - go there...
Allt Coire nam Beithach from our descent back into Glen Coe |
Cloud comes in again over Aonach Eagach |
And the rain started again as we got back in the car.
Allt Coire nam Beithach |
Route: Car park in Glen Coe (NN138567), on S side of A82 just oppisite Clachaig Inn turnoff), cross River Coe on roadbridge and turn S through gate following W bank of Allt Coire nam Beithach to waterfalls and into Coire nam Beithach, return to start.
Statistics: Distance: 2.5km Ascent: 300m Time: 2 hours
Map: OS Explorer 384 Glen Coe & Glen Etive