Jim and Freddie - setting off from Inverlochlarig |
Another slightly iffy weather forecast - but we set off from Inverlochlarig, at the very western end of the Balquhidder road in sunshine and the tops were clear - fingers crossed.
Our two Munro's of the day were out of sight, just around the corner, above Inverlochlarig Glen. Once past the farm, we followed the track into the glen and our first objective was ahead - Beinn Tulaichean.
On the Inverlochlarig Glen track before taking to the hill - views east |
We spied a likely route up the hill on the western side of the Glen, through the somewhat boggy peat amongst the tussocks and we headed west and up, across the pathless hillside.
Jim - at the start of the ascent of Beinn Tulaichean |
It wasn't long before the ascent stiffened and with the undergrowth at it's summer height, the going was pretty hard work.
Pathless ascent of Beinn Tulaichean - Creag na h-Innse |
The forecasters were correct again - heavy showers - It was a waterproof on waterproof off day.
Jim - ascent of Beinn Tulaichean - Creag na h-Innse |
But the views were great...
Bealach above Inverlochlarig Glen |
Stob Binnein from ascent of Beinn Tulaichean |
Views east over Loch Doine and Loch Voil from ascent of Beinn Tulaichean |
We were soon high, and the ascent eased off somewhat, before we topped out onto Beinn Tulaichean ridge, a couple of hundred meters south of the summit.
Rafe - views over Inverlochlarig Glen from ascent of Beinn Tulaichean |
We sauntered along the wide ridge, taking in the new views.
Freddie, Jim and Rafe - Beinn Tulaichean summit ridge with views to Ben More and Stob Binnein |
We tucked in amongst some handy rocks, between showers. A lovely spot for lunch - with views back down our ascent route - we spend a happy half hour scranning sarnies and spotting summits.
Rafe - Near the summit of Beinn Tulaichean - a good place for lunch |
Jim and Rafe - near the summit of Beinn Tulaichean |
Views south east from near Beinn Tulaichean summit |
It was in bright sunshine and with crisp views, that we ambled the short distance along a clear path to the summit - Beinn Tulaichean (Munro 220, 946m).
Freddie and Jim - near Beinn Tulaicheas summit |
Jim and Freddie - Beinn Tulaichaen summit (Munro 220, 946m) |
Jim and Freddie - descent from Beinn Tulaichean
with views to Cruach Ardrain |
Before we continued on, along the ridge - Cruach Ardrain looming ahead.
Looking back to Beinn Tulaichean from the start of the ascent of Cruach Ardrain |
Jim and Freddie - ascent of Cruach Ardrain |
Rafe and Jim - ascent of Cruach Ardrain |
It was an easy stroll across the bealach and onwards to the second Munro, but the cloud rolled in again and we got another wetting as we ascended.
Looking back to Beinn Tulaichean from Cruach Ardrain summit ridge |
Rafe, Jim and Freddie - nearing Cruach Ardrain summit |
Once again, it didn't last long - it was brighter again as we undulated towards the summit...
Rafe, Jim and Freddie - near Cruach Ardrain summit |
Cruach Ardrain summit (Munro 87, 1046m) - views north west |
And it was bright by the time we reached the summit cairn - Cruach Ardrain (Munro 87, 1046m) - just in time for the photo fest!
Returning south along Cruach Ardrain ridge - views to Beinn Tulaichean |
We were soon heading back, along the way we had come, south to the bealach between Cruach Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean - the light had changed and the views were new again.
Descent from bealach between Cruach Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean
into Inverlochlarig Glen |
Once in the bealach, we took a left turn, heading down into Inverlochlarig Glen - back on pathless ground. It was raining again!
Ben More and Stob Binnein from descent into Inverlochlarig Glen |
But rain and sunshine means rainbows. Stunning... As were the many waterfalls to be seen around the glen.
Waterfalls below Cruach Ardrain |
It was a touch boggy, and the grass what somewhat slippery - care was needed on the steepest bits! We only floundered a couple of times.
Freddie and Jim - descent into Inverlochlarig Glen |
Inverlochlarig Glen |
Inverlochlarig Glen - views north |
There was an excellent track in the bottom of the glen - we continued south - until we found a likely spot for a second lunch and a chance for a breather - and the sun was out again. We steamed gently.
Cruach Ardrain from Inverlochlarig Glen |
It wasn't far back to Inverlochlarig, a gentle ramble...
Descent to Inverlochlarig |
Another wonderful Hill Day - in an area we're not really familiar with. It gave us some good oversight into the hills around - there's still plenty more for us to do...
Rafe - at the information shed in Inverlochlarig |
Route: Car parking area at the end of the Loch Voil road (NN445185), W along track to Inverlochlarig House, fp S then W round house, cross fb and follow signs through farm, N along track into Inverlochlarig Glen, at approx NN434187 head NW over pathless terrain up steep slopes to Beinn Tulaichean (Munro 220, 946m), NW to bealach 825m, NW to Cruach Ardrain (Munro 87, 1046m), return SE to bealach, E into Coire Dubh on indistinct and intermittent path to track in Inverlochlarig Glen, return to Inverlochlarig House and to the start.
Statistics: Distance: 12.5km Ascent: 1020m Time: 6 hours
Maps: OS Explorer 364 - Loch Lomond North and OS Explorer 365 - The Trossachs