Hal, Rafe and I made the best of a beautiful October day with glorious colours all around.
South from Rodger Trod to Scarborough Castle |
We went north along the coast from Cloughton to Ravenscar,
Hal and Rafe.
Looking north to Hayburn Wyke,
with Ravenscar in the distance |
Looking north from just south of Hayburn Wyke |
Which way does the wind blow?
from just south of Hayburn Wyke |
Autumn colours, Beast Cliff, near Ravenscar |
and then south again along the Cinder Track, the old disused railway. I expected to find this rather boring after the excitement of the coast, but I was pleasantly surprised.
One of the old railway bridges on the Cinder Track,
south of Ravenscar |
There weren't too many cyclists about, so we didn't have to leap into the undergrowth as much as I expected, and the sun through the autumn foliage, various animals in the fields beside the track added interest (ponies of various colours and sizes, cows ditto and a field full of a variety of rare breed sheep - none of which were very photogenic!)
Old station house on the Cinder Track, near Hayburn Wyke |
and the carrot cake purchased from the tea room at Ravenscar was sublime.
Scarborough Castle from the Cinder Track near Cloughton |
Route: Road parking in Cloughton (TA010947), east along minor road to Cleveland Way, north to Ravenscar, south along the Cinder Track to the minor road and back to the start.
Statistics: Distance: 17 km Ascent: 375m Time: 4 hours