Dalmunzie Castle Hotel |
I'd emailed the Dalmunzie Castle Hotel earlier in the week to double check that it would be OK for us to park in the car park, how much this would cost and how we would need to go about paying. We had just gone from full lockdown, level four, on Monday down to level three - allowed out of Moray for the first time since Boxing Day - and we weren't going to miss our first chance to pop up a new Munro or two. But we weren't sure how the hotel would be handling parking and payment. We were feeling a bit on the feeble side of things and felt that shaving 5km or so off our first hill walk for a while, might be a good idea.
A very nice employee had emailed back, informing that we were welcome to park and that they were not currently charging as the hotel was not open - so good news on the parking/payment - but we had kind of been hoping that a take out coffee might be on the offing at the end of the walk - mixed blessings :)
We'd picked this two Munro walk - Glas Tulaichean and Carn an Righ - as a relatively easy one, according to the guide books - to ease us in slowly. We shall see...
Setting off from Dalmunzie Castle Hotel |
The weather forecast was excellent, so with a very early start from home, we were parked up around the back of the hotel, booted and ruck-sacked up, setting off by 7.30am.
Glenlochsie |
Along the road towards Glenlochsie farm and cottages - the sky was a perfect azure and there was hardly a breath of wind - my jacket was already off and back in the bag! - we took the waymarked path across the field bypassing the settlement, and were soon on our way up Glen Lochsie.
On the Glenlochsie bypass path |
The track was good and we strode out - the zig-zag up onto the
old railway track was signposted and we took that route - avoiding a few kilometres of the wide track up the glen and a couple of river crossings. We wandered on, taking it all in - and thinking about spring...
The track up Glen Lochsie - views NW |
Jim - On the old railway track up Glen Lochsie - views NW |
The old railway track was a touch boggy and somewhat uneven in places (and very boggy and even more uneven in other places) but we were soon relieved that we had chosen it - we could see a couple of walkers ahead of us, but down in the glen on the track, screaming and shouting (no exaggeration!) about the river crossings.
Crossing the burn above Glenlochsie Lodge |
We soon reached the very ruinous Glen Lochsie Lodge, crossing the burn (the footbridge marked on the map wasn't to be seen, but it was a very easy crossing) and descending slightly past the pile of stones with a view - and back onto the bulldozed track, which was to take us onward to our first Munro of the day (and of the year!) - Glas Tulaichean
Glenlochsie Lodge ruins and views back down the glen (SE) |
It was easy walking - not too steep and solid and even underfoot - we made good time.
Ascending the bulldozed track up Glas Tulaichean |
Views SE along Glen Lochsie from ascent to Glas Tulaichean |
We passed the shouting/screaming couple as we ascended, and were passed in turn by a runner with a lovely collie...
The ascent of Breac-reidh and Glas Tulaichean |
The views opened up as we ascended - a bit hazy, but far reaching...
Jim - the ascent of Glas Tulaichean |
And we were soon on the summit plateau, with a gentle stroll to the trig pointed summit.
Looking back to Breac-reidh, along the ascent route of Glas Tulaichean |
Nearing Glas Tulaichean summit - views west to a distant Beinn a'Ghlo |
Jim - Glas Tulaichean summit - views east |
There were a few other walkers about, appearing from all directions. But we had the summit to ourselves for the obligatory photo.
Glas Tulaichean summit (Munro 79, 1051m) - views west to Beinn a'Ghlo |
First lunch was eaten, a quick sarnie, just to the north of the summit. There wasn't too much wind, but it was worth tucking down out of the slight breeze, for it definitely still held a chill.
The views were glorious - Carn an Righ to the north west, our next objective across Gleann Mor - with the Cairngorm biggies to the north, beyond more undulating hills - as well as a snowy Beinn a'Ghlo in the west.
Descending from Glas Tulaichean along the NE ridge |
Onward. We descended the north east ridge, along the edge of a fairly substantial cornice.
Looking back to Glas Tulaichean summit from the NE ridge |
There was a bit of a path, but as we veered towards the descent into Gleann Mor, it became more indistinct and eventually disappeared.
Descent from Glas Tulaichean - views NE to Loch nan Eun |
Jim - descent into Gleann Mor - views to Carn an Righ and Mam nan Carn |
It wasn't a problem - we just trotted on down into the glen. We could see the stalkers path running across the lower slopes of Mam nan Carn, so we picked a reasonably dry route across the watershed and picked up this path - and headed west along Gleann Mor.
Jim - Gleann Mor - views to Carn an Righ |
It was a pretty rough path - but it was taking us to our next Munro objective - and we seemed to have the glen to ourselves...
Until a very big bird soared down from the heights, wheeling and sailing above us - our first golden eagle of 2021.
Golden eagle above Gleann Mor |
We were soon at the western end of Mam nan Carn and at a junction of four paths - Carn an Righ was ahead, but the path up the western ridge of Mam nan Carn looked inviting - perhaps we would have a little jolly up there on our way back rather than walking the length of Gleann Mor? We agreed to have a look at the map and to check the lie of the land once we got to the summit of Carn an Righ.
Looking back (east) to Mam nan Carn and Gleann Mor from ascent of Carn an Righ |
More up.
Looking back (east) to Mam nan Carn, Gleann Mor and Glas Tulaichean |
It was an easy ascent up the rough path - the views just getting better and better.
Jim - ascent of Carn an Righ - views NE to Beinn Iutharn Mhor |
What's that big hill over there? (NE) - it can't be Beinnn Iutharn Mhor, Munro, can it? It looks too close.
Carn Bhac and Beinn Iutharn Mhor from near the summit of Carn an Righ |
We were soon at the summit of Carn an Righ (Munro 102, 1029m) - with it's rough rocky cairn and very broken down shelter. Time for a second lunch!
Carn an Righ summit (Munro 102, 1029m) - views SW to Beinn a'Ghlo |
Carn Bhac, Beinn Iutharn Mhor and Mam nan Carn from near the summit of Carn an Righ |
Yep - that's definitely Beinn Iutharn Mhor! It looked far too close to miss - and it was still fairly early in the day. After a conflab, a little look at the map and lots of pointing and gesticulating, the decision was made. We would take the path we had seen, ascending the lower slopes of Mam nan Carn, and continue on a slant track heading up to the bealach between Beinn Iutharn Mhor and Mam nan Carn. Easy...
North to the Cairngorm biggies from near the summit of Carn an Righ |
Off we go...
Descent from Carn an Righ - views to Mam nan Carn and Gleann Mor. Ascent route to Beinn Iutharn Mhor can be seen up and across Mam nan Carn |
There were a few more people about now, time for a chat - everyone was so pleased to be allowed out on such a lovely day.
Looking back to Carn an Righ from ascent of Mam nan Carn |
The path up Mam nan Carn was the steepest of the day so far - but it was only brief. We were soon contouring around it's northern slopes with Beinn Iutharn Mhor in our sights.
Glas Tulaichean from initial ascent of Mam nan Carn and Beinn Iutharn Mhor |
The path deteriorated and disappeared as we wandered into the upper coire - which was decorated by a a couple of big snow patches - so we had a brief, steep, pathless ascent up to the bealach.
Jim - contouring around Mam nan Carn with views to Beinn Iutharn Mhor |
Carn an Righ from ascent to bealach between Mam nan Carn and Beinn Iutharn Mhor |
And then it was an easy pull up to the summit of our third Munro of the day.
Nearning Beinn Iutharn Mhor summit - views back (SW) over Mam nan Carn to Glas Tulaichean and Carn an Righ |
The views from Beinn Iutharn Mhor (Munro 88, 1045m) were just dazzling - particularly to the north, to the Cairngorm biggies. The Lairig Ghru was obvious against the horizon - making it easy to pick out summits.
Beinn Iutharn Mhor summit (Munro 88, 1045m) - views north |
We could see Carn Bhac across to the east - another Munro, usually walked with Beinn Iutharn Mhor - it just looked a bit too far off for today - and it would have been quite out of the way to get back to the car. Aww well - another day!
Views east across Beinn Iutharn Mhor summit plateau to Carn Bhac and An Socach |
We headed south, with the Munro Top of Mam nan Carn as our final summit of the day - it looked like a gentle undulation, but that final few metres of ascent on tired legs seemed harder than expected.
Beinn Iutharn Mhor from ascent of Mam nan Carn |
But the 360 from the summit was definitely worth that bit of extra effort - Mam nan Carn (Munro Top 99, 986m)
Mam nan Carn summit (Munro Top 99, 986m) - views south to Glas Tulaichean |
We mooched on along the north east ridge with a distant Lochnagar to keep our chin's up - and once the gradient of Mam nan Carn's southern slopes relented a bit, we headed down, descending towards Loch nan Eun - it looked like an excellent spot for a third lunch.
Jim - descent from Mam nan Carn into Gleann Mor |
There wasn't a path - I'm glad we were descending across the rough ground and through the heather - but it wasn't far and we were soon doing a bit of bog trotting in the glen bottom.
Glas Tulaichean and Gleann Mor from descent from Mam nan Carn |
Loch nan Eun from descent into Gleann Mor - views east |
Across a couple of big snow patches and we were at the loch - what a glorious spot!
An Socach over Loch nan Eun |
Third lunch by Loch nan Eun |
There was a cold wind blowing along Gleann Mor - a sheltered spot took a bit of finding - but once tucked in on a grassy bank just above the water, we were well set - we could have sat there all day. A sandwich was very welcome.
Descent into Gleann Taitneach |
But there was still some way to go. So, with slightly stiff legs after our rest, we headed to the burn flowing out of Loch nan Eun into the long and rather lovely Gleann Taitneach.
Jim - Gleann Taitneach - views south |
The path was a bit rough and eroded in places - but there were a few waterfalls on Allt Easgaidh, which kept the interest up and the camera snapping - as well as the blueness of the sky and the hills enveloping us on all sides - it was great to be allowed back out here :)
Waterfalls - Allt Easgaidh |
Jim - the walk out via Gleann Taitneach |
The watercourse widened and became Allt Ghlinn Thaitneich and the path improved gradually - which I have to say our legs and feet were really pleased about - we were still making good time - and it soon improved further, into a decent track.
Looking back (north) along Allt Ghlinn Thaitneich |
We nearly missed the footbridge over the river, about a kilometre north of the hotel - we were a bit "heads down and get back" at that point! But a quick check of the map showed there were no other crossing points for quite a while, so we were glad to have spied other walkers on the other side of the river.
Allt Ghlinn Thaitneich from the footbridge near Glenlochsie |
The final kilometre was a joy (despite the sore feet) - a soft grassy trod along the river and through a couple of fields - it was pleasantly warm, feeling like spring after a long lockdown winter. It was wonderful to be back in the hills.
Gleann Taitneach north of Glenlochsie |
And we were back early enough to get coffee on the way home.
Looking back (north) along Gleann Taitneach from Glenlochsie |
Route: Dalmunzie Castle Hotel car park (nr Spittal of Glenshee NO090713), NE along road/track to Glenlochsie Farm and follow sp's through gate on left, and then across field to avoid farmyard and houses and rejoin track (NO086714), NW to just before 1st ford and take sharp switchback N sp "railway track" (NO080717) and follow the rough track, after 150m turning sharply back NW, following Glen Lochsie to a very ruionous Glenlochsie lodge, crossing Allt Clais Bheag (no fb), where the route rejoins the main track NW ascending Breac-reidh and almost to the summit of Glas Tulaichean, at NO048759 take rough path E to trig point on Glas Tulaichean summit (Munro 79, 1051m), NE on rough path skirting Glas Choire Mhor and continue on rough path N skirting Glas Choire Bheag descending steeply into Gleann Mhor (path becoming indistinct and eventually disappearing), aiming for confluence of two burns (NO050773) and picking up stalkers path at the other side of the glen, W along rough path along Gleann Mor to sh 771m (NO038771), continue W then NW along rough path (sometimes indistinct) to Carn an Righ summit (Munro 102, 1029m), descend, returning to sh 771m, continue on rough path E, ascending steeply the lower slopes of Mam nan Carn, then take a slant path at 850m contour (approx) N then NE, gradually ascending around Mam nan Carn, to bealach between Mam nan Carn and Beinn Iutharn Mhor (the path becomes increasingly indistinct), once in bealach, take rough path N to Beinn Iuthan Mhor summit (Munro 88, 1045m). return S to bealach and continue S on indistinct path to Mam nan Carn summit (Munro Top 99, 986m), descend diagonally E on pathless ground to pick up stalkers path at highest point in Gleann Mhor (800m, NO059779), follow rough path SE then E to outflow of Loch nan Eun, and then SSE along the whole length of Gleann Taitneach, path eventually improves to a track, cross fb near Genlochsie Farm (NO088723) and follow river back to the road by the farm and turn left (SE) and return to the hotel and start point.
Statistics: Distance: 28km Ascent: 1500m Time: 9 hours
Map: OS Explorer OL52 Glen Shee & Braemar